Posted by RoseDawson On May – 13 – 2011

While the debate of what the motives were and what the January incident was, the misinformation will continue to prevail.  If there is nothing to hide, then why hold back with releasing the all the evidence?  

     Too many comments and claims from law enforcement have been debunked and refuted and there is no other place to go.  The families of all the victims deserve to know the truth.  Even though it has been 12 years and they say time heals all wounds, these wounds cannot be healed because the questions are still unanswered. 

     For the case to be completely closed, I call John Stone or T.S. Walsh to come forward and tell the truth.  Or how about the Air conditioning man that was stuck on the roof during the event.  I would be interested to hear his story because to be caught in that situation has to be a story worth sharing.

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